
Showing posts from March, 2019

My Girlfriend !

To write a blog about her's actually impossible as SHE can't be described in a blog at all . She's my sky and beyond . Obviously she is younger than me in age , but she's way elder in our relation zone. The best decision maker I have ever known. The girl on fire literally. Her anger is the most beautiful thing. And guess what , I am scared of her like hellπŸ˜‚. I literally starts crying while she is angry. I guess her motive is that if u love some one so much , you should be angry with him like "very much" 😝. But after each fights and thousands of sorry , she do come back and that feeling is like the most wonderful thing. I actually use lot of sorrys but if she did make a mistake and her one SORRY is very much enough to change the emotions. It's frequent that I make a lot of mistakes πŸ™ˆ which makes her temperature rise and fire upon me. But after a day , or a while she do forgive . Frankly I don't know why I can't do the same with her πŸ˜‚.